7 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Efisiensi Teknik Sektor Publik di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Health and Education expenditure are two important public spending items, those sector playing important role at human capital development. Public subsidies for social services such as education and health care rest on two basic policy objectives are efficiency and equity. Efficiency gains can be achieved when the subsidies produce external benefits or correct for a market failure. The reseach aim is how to know the technical efficiency of health and education sector in every region at Banyumas Regency. This research use secondary data with observation period 2007. The analysis instrument used in this research is DEA. The result of the research showing in general the level of health efficiency sector in every region in Banyumas Regency is high enough, whereis the level of efficiency for 17 regions from 27 regions are 100 percent. While the level of education efficiency sector in every region in Banyumas Regency is inefficient, whereis the level of efficiency for 16 regions from 27 regions are less than 100 percent

    Pengeluaran Publik untuk Kesehatan dan Status Kesehatan di Negara – Negara Asia

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    Health is one of prominent factors of human capital development. Beside its important rule to national wealth measure, health sector has an intrinsic value to extent individual ability and freedom. Also, health sector has instrumental value to income contribution and strengthen body ability. So, health programs, run by government, do not only give benefit individually, but the programs have well impact to surrounding environment also. The purpose of this research is to indicate how government expenditure to health sector, measured by IMR and life expectancy rate at birth to thirteen Asian countries, will be affected by the countries economics conditions. This analysis shows that government expenditure to health sector and health status of the countries people is related positively. It means that the increasing of government expenditure will impact to people health increasing of the country, indicated by decreasing of IMR value and increasing of live expectancy rate. This research shows also that economic conditions of a nation have positive impact to health condition, where the Gross Domestic Product per capita factor positively impacts to IMR decreasing and of life expectancy at birth increasing in the region. So, to extent people wealth, the government role will be the key factor that measured by the capacity of government expenditure to heath sector

    Analisis Ketahanan Pangan pada Rumah Tangga di Desa Miskin di Kecamatan Sumbang Kabupaten Banyumas

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the level of household food security, in the village with the most number of poor households, to know the income level of households with food insecure households criteria; and know the benefits of government programs such as Raskin (rice for poor people) for household food security in sub donates Banyumas. Total population in this research are 8333 families who belong to the target households (RTS) Raskin, while samples that were studied were 100 respondents with multiple stages sampling method. The method of analysis in this research uses a qualitative analysis, the method Current Population Survey (CPS) Food Security Suplement, and tabulation method. The results of this research, respondents indicated that most households (RTS) in the district donates Raskin was on the status of food insecurity without hunger, both in group household had children under the age of 18 years (71 percents), and households that are not have children under the age of 18 years (66 percents). Food insecurity status of the majority (73.8 percents,) are in the category of poor households based on criteria of BPS

    Saluran Pemasaran Kopi yang Efisien di Kecamatan Karanglewas Kabupaten Banyumas

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    The research aim is to seek the pattern of coffee marketing, operational efficiency of coffee marketing in Karanglewas District Banyumas Regency. The result of the research found three pattern of coffe marketing process in Karanglewas District Banyumas Regency involving farmers, wholesalers, out of town sellers, food processors and retailers. Operationally pattern I which is: farmers – Wholesalers - Retailers, is the most efficient marketing strategy compare with another marketing strategy. Actually, the biggest percentage of farmer's share at pattern II, but because of limitation researcher, if this pattern more investigated then possibility there will found longest marketing channel. Price correlation between producer market and consumer market is close enough which is 0,956 with determinan coefficient 0,9139 and elasticity of price transmission in producer market and consumer market is 0,3665. Based on coefficient of price correlation and elasticity of price transmission then price efficiency was not achieved yet. Based on the research summarize that operational efficiency of marketing channel coffe is efficient. It is shown by farmer's share analysis which is convected with the percentage of marketing margin in every marketing pattern